Sunday, June 13, 2004

The Two Sides of Truth

I took another bike ride this afternoon, that same ride as Thursday: about 13 miles in about 53 minutes. The effort level felt high which may have been the wind or not being morning fresh or anything else.

On paper it may look like I am making progress, but there is data unseen in this log, and I've decided that I need to post my sins as well to keep me honest. I've also decided on an incentive: I will post my weight and diet on any non-exercise day. That ought to motivate me to exercise.

Log: Cycled 53 minutes over about 13 miles on the local loop.

Sins: Cheetos, Ice Cream, and an In-and-Out burger last night. Ooh, that is embarassing to admit, how have I gotten to the point that such food seemed OK?


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