Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A Flat and Fast Route

Ever wonder about "flat and fast" running routes? I ran one today, except it was only flat under my feet, not fast.

Flat is OK when you are trying to set a PR, but hilly routes are more interesting; hilly trails are much more interesting. Better yet, Mountain trails through the forest are a real delight, they make a run something much more than running.

Hills, I've theorized, are good for a runner, as they make a runner uses different muscles in different ways, thus helping avoid overuse injuries. Contrary to this home-spun wisdom, however, I developed a somewhat scary back problem after concentrating my running in the hills. It would feel like one of my feet had swollen up to a size 16 mid-run, prompting me to stop, remove my shoe, take out the insole, and tie it loose. One's nerves run through the spine of one's back, I was reminded, and I came to realize it wasn't a foot problem at all.

I'm lucky to the extent I can ease back into it. My hill running compadre, coincidentally, has been having terrible back problems and has been pursuing all kinds of medically interesting, but highly unpleasant treatments; he has not found relief.

Log: 26 minutes running time from a run-walk of 35 minutes. Slightly shorter route than last Friday, and a minute less running, but shorter walk breaks. [3/2,3/2,4/1,4/1,4/1,4/1,4/1]

I was able to run and I should rejoice in that.


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