Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Knees are Fine, But I Need Soccer Skillz!

Getting back on board a fitness regimen has been tough for some strange and unimaginable reason. Almost as if it were work!

But naivete and intrepidation have seen me toy with adult soccer and I'm on a team. I've never played soccer before, so just imagine:
  • overweight guy
  • late forties
  • can't run
  • no fitness
  • no skills whatsoever
  • can't even kick a soccer ball
Yet I'm out there mixing it up on the soccer pitch. And folks are playing their backsides off.

So, there I am, desperately trying to sprint fast enough to stay with the lean, skilled forwards.

And suddenly my weight is dropping a bit, I'm a bit fitter, and wearing a great big smile because I'm having fun.

No, this is not work!

Life should include play - must include play.

A great finding was that my knees and back and hips and all that are doing fine - they seem to love the exertion (beats that damn couch, they moan)

OK, OK, but I still desperately need to develop some skills, muscle memory, technique, etc., and that means getting more "touches" on the soccer ball. Hopefully people will start connecting on the FC San Jose bulletin board for soccer ... and I can find some more game (pun intended) there.

Tips and encouragement welcome. Stories, too!